Amidst the intrigue surrounding Dr. Foster’s mysterious death, one must delve into the remarkable work of Dr. Georges Lakhovsky. While the connection to Foster’s demise remains uncertain, Lakhovsky’s research reveals a fascinating aspect of his scientific endeavors—a quest for the life ray rather than a death ray.

Contrary to the widow’s reference to a death ray, Lakhovsky’s investigations were centered on a vastly different premise—a focus on the life ray. Lakhovsky proposed that living cells emit and receive electromagnetic radiations at their own high frequencies, a theory he sought to validate and demonstrate through his groundbreaking work.

In a 1925 article titled “Curing Cancer With Ultra Radio Frequencies,” Lakhovsky revealed his belief that the health of cellular oscillations determined overall well-being. According to him, pathogens such as bacteria and cancers disrupted these oscillations, leading to interference and compromised health.

Although Lakhovsky’s vibratory theory may have seemed unconventional, his research garnered recognition in the 1920s. In his 1931 book “Cellular Oscillation,” Lakhovsky attempted to consolidate experimental research from Europe since 1924. Notably, the book presented testimonials and case studies showcasing remarkable success in treating previously untreatable cases of cancer, ulcers, tumors, and various other ailments.

Lakhovsky’s oscillating circuit treatment method drew numerous testimonies from former patients and garnered the attention of doctors both within France and abroad. It was claimed to have effectively addressed a wide range of conditions, including asthma, fatigue, rheumatism, infertility, impotence, and even fatal cancers. Although Lakhovsky did not assert 100% effectiveness, his approach was considered less invasive and more successful compared to conventional treatments of the time.

In his 1935 book “The Secret of Life,” Lakhovsky provided further evidence to support his claims. He stated an impressive 98% success rate in treating fatal cancers over an 11-year period. These assertions, backed by hundreds of testimonials and observations, added weight to Lakhovsky’s innovative theories.

Years later, in 1985, Dr. Robert Becker and Gary Selden revisited Lakhovsky’s work in their book “The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life.” Their research appeared to validate many of Lakhovsky’s assertions, further reinforcing the significance of his contributions.

Although Lakhovsky’s theories and methods were met with skepticism at the time, his work has continued to intrigue researchers and inspire further exploration into the realm of electromagnetism and its role in health and healing. Lakhovsky’s pursuit of the life ray, his groundbreaking research, and the subsequent corroboration by other scientists have propelled his legacy into the annals of medical history.

As we revisit Lakhovsky’s work, we uncover a visionary whose contributions deserve appreciation and renewed attention. While the mystery surrounding Dr. Foster’s death may remain elusive, the enduring impact of Lakhovsky’s research continues to pave the way for understanding the profound connections between electromagnetism and life itself.

Keywords:  The Labors of Lakhovsky, life ray, death ray, Dr. Foster, electromagnetic radiations, cellular oscillations, pathogens, bacteria, cancers, oscillating circuits, testimonials, case studies, untreatable cases, ulcers, tumors, asthma, fatigue, rheumatism, infertility, impotence, fatal cancers, The Secret of Life, Robert Becker, Gary Selden, The Body Electric, electromagnetism, health, healing, medical history.